Food List Report

The Food List report provides a list of all foods that are set up in your database. This report is color-coded by food type:

  • Red: Meats
  • Orange: Fruits
  • Green: Vegetables
  • Brown: Breads
  • Blue: Milk

The foods you see listed on this report are exactly what your providers see in KidKare and should correspond directly with a printed Food chart. Note that any foods listed with an asterisk (*) will be disallowed if served to an infant.

  1. Click the Reports menu, select Menu Planning, and click Food List Report. The Select Mode dialog box opens.
  2. Select English or Spanish.
  3. Click Continue. The Effective Starting Date dialog box opens.
  4. Click the Starting Date box and enter the date from which to print the food list.
  5. Click Continue. A PDF is generated. You can print it or export it to your hard drive.