Popular Articles

  1. Print Your Food Chart

    In order to print your food list: From the menu to the left, click Foods and select Food List . Click Export . A spreadsheet downloads. From here, you can customize the list with your own logo, contact information, and so on. Sample report...
  2. Monthly Processes with KidKare

    KidKare allows providers to record claims in two (2) different formats: Online via KidKare Handwritten Forms These claims can be processed in four (4) ways: online, manually, or via Direct Entry. In addition to the tasks listed in...
  3. [VIDEO] About eForms

    eForms is an all-in one enrollment process for the food program that eliminates paper forms for homes and your back-office. With this feature, you can send enrollment invitations directly to parents, track enrollment status, and approve and renew ch...
  4. USDA Links and Resources

    Updated Meal Standards Charts Infants Children Adults One-Page Summaries of the Updated Meal Standards Infants ( English , Spanish ) Children and Adults ( English , Spanish ) Best Practices ( English , Spanish ) CACFP Mea...
  5. Set Up Direct Deposit

    Direct deposit is a fast, electronic method of payment that ensures providers still receive payment in a timely manner. If you do not currently offer direct deposit but would like to, contact your bank/credit union and ensure that they can accept u...
  6. Edit Foods

    To edit an existing food on your food list: From the menu to the left, click Foods . Click Food List . The Food List page opens. Locate the food to change. You can filter the displayed list, as needed. Click  Infant Cereal , Milk , ...
  7. Implementation Process

    After purchasing the Minute Menu HX software, you will be contacted by our implementation specialist. Our implementation staff will: Help you install Minute Menu HX. Provide an overview training of the Minute Menu HX program. Work with you to m...
  8. Understand the Billing Structure

    This article provides comprehensive guidance for KidKare by Minute Menu’s billing structure, processes, and how you can reconcile and dispute invoices. You can also direct all billing inquiries to our Finance team at finance@kidka...
  9. Understand the Whole Grain-Rich Edit Check

    About the Whole Grain-Rich Requirement Child care providers serving a meal or multiple meals in a day that include the grain component need to make sure that at least one of the grains served that day is whole grain-rich and indicate them as such i...
  10. Enroll Providers

    You enroll providers with the Enroll Provider Wizard. This wizard walks you through the process of adding a provider. It also checks some of the data you enter to ensure that it is logically correct. For example, it ensures that any start dates you ...