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Error Codes in This Article
Error 123
The Same Meal Date was Marked in Two Different Columns on the Scannable Forms. This Column(s) Attendance Has Been Disallowed
When filling out scannable menus, providers must supply the day to which all meals in the given column apply. In some cases, they are allowed to supply the same day more than once, such as: split servings/shifts (a meal is served more than once to different groups of children), or children in different child groups (based on the 1-32 child numbers) served in the same meals. If these exceptions do not apply to the provider, the same day cannot be marked more than once.
This error is generated when the same day is marked more than once on a scannable form. You can typically prevent this error if you correct it during the forms validation process. If you do not correct it during forms validation but still wish to correct the provider's mistake, you must first find the column where the provider made the mistake. Usually, they will have written the correct day number but bubbled the incorrect bubble. Then, re-scan the form and process the claim again.
When this error is generated, each duplication is disallowed after the first occurrence of the day.
Error 124
Meal Serving Times Not Recorded
This error is generated when other meal time checks are required, such as the processor check that compares meal times with the provider's open and close times, but a given meal lacks any time information. It warns or disallows the meal.
Minute Menu HX can be configured to automatically assume meal times from the provider's file. If Minute Menu HX is not configured to make this assumption, this error will be generated for every scanned claim unless the scannable In/Out forms are used.
If the provider does not have meal times noted in their file (Provider Information Meals tab), this error is generated in every case. KidKare providers always supply a meal time with their meal records, so this error should not appear on KidKare claims.
Error 125
No Attendance (In/Out) Times on File
Some sponsors must obtain daily attendance (In/Out) time information for all of their children. This error is generated if this information is cross-checked against each meal's time of serving and no time information is on file for any children on a day that meals were served. It always disallows meals for the affected day.
If you see this error, make sure that you have scanned all In/Out forms, or make sure that the provider supplied the daily attendance (In/Out) times. You can check this information in the Record Full Attendance by Child window.
Error 126
Child Claimed on Both Regular and Infant Meals
This error is generated when the same child is mistakenly marked on both the Infant Menu and Regular Menu. The child is actually processed as if they were recorded on the first of the two scanned menus without duplication, but the second menu encountered is ignored.
As a result, this error is immaterial if the child is an infant, as you scan Infant Menus first, and this error is generated because the child was also marked on the Regular Menu, which is scanned after the Infant Menu. If the child is not an infant, you must white-out the child's mark on the Infant menu and re-scan the provider's claim.
Error 127
Child Claimed on Holiday
You can use the Sponsor Calendar to set up specific holidays. Providers can then use the Child Calendar in KidKare to indicate that a child was approved to attend care on the given holiday, or they can note it on their monthly CIF, which allows you to record the information in the Child Calendar in Minute Menu HX.
This error is generated when a child is claimed on a holiday, but when the child was not noted as approved on that holiday via the Child Calendar. It ignores, warns, or disallows the meals claimed on the holiday. It can also be set to ignore or warn children who have been noted as Present on a Holiday in the Child Calendar (while still disallowing those without Present on a Holiday noted), or it can be set to always disallow regardless of what is found on the child calendar.
Error 128
Provider is Incorporated. Own Children are not Reimbursable
Food Program rules are interpreted in some states as such that incorporated providers cannot receive reimbursement for their own children, even if they are Tier 1 by Income. This error is generated for each provider who has a Business Tax ID specified in the Provider Information General tab attempts to claim their own children (if your state enforces the Food Program this way).
Error 129
Provider Invalid Because License Missing
This error usually results when a provider has been set up improperly during a data conversion project. It is usually generated in conjunction with a larger number of other errors.
If you see this error, go to the Provider Information Licensing tab and reset every value in it. To do so, change each value in the tab, change it back to what it should be, and then click Save. Once this is done, re-process the claim. This error and any related errors should disappear.
Error 130
No Children are Enrolled for the Given Provider
This error is generated when a claim is processed when one of the following happens:
- A claim is processed, but no child enrollments are on file.
- All child numbers marked on a scannable menu form are invalid.
Situation A typically occurs if a provider mistakenly marks the Child Group 2 or 3 bubble on every column header.
Situation B typically occurs for new providers if their enrollment forms have not yet been scanned.
You must take the appropriate actions to correct this problem, re-scan the claim, and re-process the claim.
Error 132-133
Provider was Over Capacity
One or a combination of these errors are generated if a provider records some combination of children that violates their license capacity, as noted in the Provider Information Licensing tab. Capacity errors can disallow the number of children that are over capacity, disallow the entire meal, issue a warning, or ignore the situation.
Note: If a waiver is in effect, the over capacity children will be allowed.
Error 134
Child's Attendance Times Not Recorded
This error is generated if child attendance is being cross-checked about meal times, but the given child is missing his/her daily in/out time information when the claim is processed. This can warn or disallow the child.
Make sure you have scanned In/Out forms for this provider, or that this provider has supplied in/out times. To do so, print the In/Out Child Attendance report or the In/Out Child Attendance by Child report in Minute Menu HX. If your provider uses KidKare, you can also print the Verify In/Out Times report in KidKare (Observer Mode).
Error 135
Invalid Child Number Recorded on In/Out Form
This error is generated if you scan In/Out forms and mark a child number that does not exist. It either warns or disallows the child, but is most commonly used for informational purposes (warn).
Note: Remember that you must scan or manually enter enrollments before you scan In/Out forms.
Error 136
Meal Time(s) were Marked with Times on More than One Column on In/Out Forms for the Same Day. The Form Day Header May Have Been Filled out Improperly
When using scannable In/Out forms, providers can supply daily meal times on those forms. If the Provider has done so in more than one column that has been marked with the same day, it may mean that the provider has filled-in the wrong day column.
This error doesn't directly cause a disallowance, but other claim errors may be generated as a result if the In/Out form was actually filled-out improperly.
Error 137
Meal Time on In/Out Form, but That Meal Wasn't Included in the Provider's Claim
This error is generated if a provider has supplied a meal time on a scannable In/Out form, but the meal itself was not scanned. This can indicate that the meal/attendance forms have been filled out improperly for a particular day, the In/Out form may be filled-out improperly, or a smudge was picked up in the scan.
Error 138
Own Children not Counted in Capacity are also not Reimbursed
In Califorina, the provider's own children over the age of 10 do not count in capacity (except for military licenses). These children cannot be paid, even if the provider is Tier 1 Income Eligible. This error is generated if these children are claimed.
Error 139
DFS Child Claimed Outside DFS Approval Dates
Some states require a pay source be on-file for children who are paid for by a state subsidy program. This is recorded in the Pay Source box in the Child Information Special tab. If you must have this information, Minute Menu HX can be configured to allow you to set an effective date range for which the child is approved within the subsidy program.
This error is generated if a child is claimed outside of the effective date range for the subsidy program in which the child participates. It warns or disallows the child.
Error 140
Provider was Over Capacity for Non-School Aged Related Children
Provider-related children are counted with a distinct maximum capacity in New Mexico and a few other states. This error is generated if provider-related children are over capacity.
Error 141
Provider was Over Capacity for Not for Pay Children
Not-for-pay children (usually children related to the provider) are counted with a distinct maximum capacity in Georgia (and possibly other states). This error is generated if the provider's not-for-pay children are over capacity.
Children are noted as Not for Pay in the Pay Source field in the Child information Special tab.
Error 142
Provider Served Meal at Time outside of Approved Time Range
Your agency can set up providers to serve meals only within approved time ranges. You can set this up for all providers, or you can apply it to specific providers. This error is generated when a provider records a meal outside of the approved time range. It warns or disallows affected meals.
When researching this error, review the Examine Meal History window for KidKare providers, or check the Provider Information Meals tab for direct entry/scannable claim providers. Pay special attention to AM/PM discrepancies.
Error 143
Insufficient Time was Allowed Before/After this Meal and the Previous/Next Meal (Infants Ignored)
Some agencies want to ensure that meals and snacks are served within certain times of each other, typically two (2) or three (3) hours. You can configure Minute Menu HX to check minimum times between meals, based on your policies. This error is generated if a provider serves a meal too close to another meal. It warns or disallows the meal.
For providers who use scannable forms, this error checks the times entered in the Provider Information Meals tab. For providers who use KidKare and In/Out forms, the actual supplied meal times are checked instead. When researching this error, check the Examine Meal History window for KidKare claims, and check Provider Information for paper claims (direct entry or scannable claims). Pay special attention to AM/PM discrepancies.
Error 144
Meal Claimed When Monitor Noted the Provider was not Home
This error is generated if a Monitor noted a provider was not home on a review, but the provider claimed meals for this date. This is a warning. Consult the provider's review history in the Provider Reviews window.
Error 145
A 6-11 Month Old Special Diet Infant was Served on the Regular Menu. Verify Special Diet Appropriate for Table Foods
This error is generated if a child designated with a special diet is claimed on a regular men when the child is 6-11 months old. Consult the Special Diet Description box in the Child Information Special tab.
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Error 146
Private Child(ren) Claimed When no Day Care Children Present
Children with a Private Pay Source (Not for Pay) cannot be claimed when no other children are present, based on licensing regulations in Georgia and some other states. This error is generated if this is the case for your state. It is a disallowance or a warning.
Error 147
Provider Over Capacity Without Overlap
Minute Menu HX handles split-shift checking in two ways: Providers mark a first and second shift on scannable forms/KidKare independently, or they mark all children in capacity at both shifts, but mark only a single serving. The latter case is referred to as a single-column overlap. You must set up Overlap Capacity in the Provider Information Other tab for each split-shift meal.
This error is generated when overlap capacity is used, and the provider is over their normal capacity but not over their overlap capacity. This is a warning, and you can configure Minute Menu HX to ignore the situation.
Error 148
License Does Not Allow Reimbursement of Private (Not for Pay) Children
At least one license exists in Georgia that does not allow children with a Pay Source of Private (Not for Pay) to participate in the Food Program. This error is generated when one of these children is claimed by a provider on that licenses. It disallows the affected children.
Error 149
Provider was Over Capacity for Non-Related Children
In some states, children who are not related to the provider are subject to a capacity different than that of all children, including the provider's own children. This error is generated when the provdier is over capacity because of non-related children.
Error 150
Monitor Noted Children Present that were Not Noted by Provider
This error was generated if a meal was reviewed during the month, and the Monitor saw children that the provider idd not mark in attendance. This error is always a warning. Consult the Provider Reviews Meal tab for the appropriate review.
Note: This error cannot be generated unless child attendance is marked with the review in the Minute Menu HX database.
Error 151
Provider Recorded Children in Attendance Not Seen by Monitor
This error is generated if a meal was reviewed during the month, and the provider marked children in attendance that were not marked as observed by a Monitor. It can be a warning or a disallowance. Consult the Provider Reviews Meal tab for the appropriate review.
Note: This error cannot be generated unless child attendance is marked with the review in the Minute Menu HX database.
Error 152
Helpers Children Must be Income Eligible to be Claimed
Helpers' children must be Tier 1 Income Eligible to be marked in attendance in Minnesota (and some other states). Minute Menu HX can be configured to check for this for any sponsor. If this check is enabled, any helper's child who is not marked with valid Tier 1 Income Eligibility information in the Child Information Rules tab is disallowed.
Error 153
Neither C nor LC License is in Effect for the Date, Day of Week, and Meal
The Wisconsin LC license check allows two distinct sets of meal approval and day-of-week approval schedules to be in effect for any given provider. Those distinct sets must be checked.
Record alternate meal and day-of-week approval schedules in the Provider Information Meals tab. These apply to the C check.
Record regular meal and day-of-week schedules apply to the L check.
This error is generated when neither indicate that the provider is approved for a meal or day-of-week being claimed.
Error 154
The Migrant Child is Over 15 Years of Age
This error is generated when a migrant worker's child is claimed after the child turns 16. This always results in a disallowance.
Error 155
Children were Not Claimed but Should Have Been Based Upon Their Enrollment or Daily In/Out Time Information. Those Children are Listed Here for Information Purposes Only
This error can be generated if you have chosen to process capacity two times for each meal claimed. It is a warning message only. The first check is the normal capacity check. A second capacity check can be performed with Minute Menu HX.
This second check assumes that children are in attendance, even if they aren't claimed at this specific meal serving, if they were claimed at other meals or servings for split shifts that day and their enrollment form data indicates that they should have been claimed at this meal.
Normally, if this second capacity check is done, you are given certain over capacity messages related to the second capacity check in the even that adding this extra children back would result in an over-capacity situation.
This warning message also generates a list of all children that were added back to the meal—even if doing so doesn't result in over-capacity. As a result, this error is usually only enabled to assist in analyzing very specific over-capacity situations.