
USDA Links and Resources
Updated Meal Standards Charts Infants Children Adults One-Page Summaries of the Updated Meal Standards Infants ( English , Spanish ) Children and Adults ( English , Spanish ) Best Practices ( English , Spanish ) CACFP Mea...
Updated CACFP Food Crediting Guidelines
The USDA has updated CACFP food crediting guidelines to allow shelf-stable, dried, and semi-dried meat, poultry, and seafood snacks to be credited toward the meat component in reimbursable meals. In addition, the updated guidelines also allow progra...
CACFP Trainer's Tools: Feeding Infants
CACFP Trainers Tools: Feeding Infants (link out) Provided by the USDA, this web page hosts content from the Feeding Infants in the Child Adult Care Food Program guide that is meant to help you train your sites to better feed infants. It focuses...
CACFP Food Buying & Crediting Resources
The USDA has provided numerous resources for crediting and buying food in the CACFP. Click each link below to access each resource on the USDA's website. Crediting Updates for Child Nutrition Programs: Be in the Know! This is a   five-p...